
The Southern African Asset Management Association (SAAMA) registered as a non-profit organization (2001/010708/08) was formed in 1997, then known as the Southern African Maintenance Association (SAMA). The purpose was and still is to promote the interests of asset management and maintenance as a whole, as well as to uplift asset management and maintenance practitioners in Southern Africa.


Global Certification Scheme (GCS)

The Southern African Asset Management Association (SAAMA) is delighted to announce that, as a member of the global organisation World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM), it has participated in establishing a Global Certification Scheme (GCS), that will underpin the suite of designations for individuals engaged in the physical asset management  profession. In 2016, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) recognised SAAMA as a professional body and approved the registration of a first professional designation in Asset Management (CSAM™). Read More...

SAAMA Reference Group

Pursuant to SAAMA’s purpose of contributing to the economic growth and quality of life for asset users in the Southern African region through the efficient, effective and sustainable management of assets, SAAMA intends to establish a Local Government reference group to support all stakeholders in asset management in the region. The departure point for the reference group’s focus and activities is the National Municipal Infrastructure Asset Management Improvement Programme (NMIAMIP) Roadmap, which was proposed and adopted by SAAMA in 2021. This roadmap identified the key challenges that South Africa faces in Local Government and suggests a high-level implementation plan to provide value to this sector.  Read More...

Professional Body Approval

The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) Board approved the recognition of SAAMA as a professional body for an initial period of five years starting in 2016.  In line with SAQA processes, reviews were undertaken and this initial period has been subsequently extended.  It also approved the registration of the designation “Certified Senior Asset Manager”  (now the Certified Senior Principal in Asset Management)  (CSAM™) to be awarded by SAAMA.  This was the first designation that was established and another two practitioner designations, representing different roles in an AM team, have subsequently been added.  For more information click here.


SAAMA Mentorship Programme

 - Lift as you Rise
In pursuance of reinforcing diversity and gender equity in Asset management while meeting our objective to professionalize and uplift the role of asset management and maintenance practitioners in Southern Africa, SAAMA is launching a mentorship programme - Lift as you Rise.  Read More...

SANS ISO 55001 accreditation scheme

On 18th October 2018, SANAS hosted the Pre-Working Group Meeting for the SANS ISO 55001 accreditation scheme at their offices in Equestria, Pretoria.  For more feedback on the Pre-Working Group Meeting, please click here.

Employment Opportunities

Please click here for the latest employment opportunities in Asset Management.